Android : Introduction, Features & Applications

Android : Introduction, Features & Applications           


Android was developed by Google on Open Source Software, based on the Linux operating system 
and mainly on touch screen mobile devices.
The operating system has developed a lot from the black and white phones in the last 15 years, starting 
with a recent smartphone or mini computer. One of the most widely used mobile OS these days is 
Android. Android software that was founded in 2003 in Palo Alto, California


Android is a powerful operating system and it supports a large number of applications in smartphones
These apps are more comfortable and advanced for users The hardware supporting Android software 
is based on the ARM architecture platform.
Android is an open source operating system which means that it is free and anyone can use it. There 
are millions of apps available in Android that can help you manage your life in one way or another, 
and for these reasons low cost is available in the market. Android is very popular.

Android development supports with full Java programming language. Other packages are not 
supported by API and JSE. In 2008, the first version 1.0 of the Android Development Kit (SDK) was 
released and the latest updated version is Jelly Bean.

Android Architecture:

Android is the operating system, the software component heap is divided into 5 sections and 4 main 

  • Linux kernel
  • Library
  • Android run-time

Application framework:

This software provides a basic structure to support the development of application. 
It is not only used for development of graphical user interface, it is also used other 
areas such as web based application.

Linux kernel:

Android uses powerful Linux Kernel and it supports a wide range of hardware drivers. The kernel is the 
heart of the operating system that manages the input and output requests from the software. It provides 
basic system functionality like process management, memory management, device management such 
as camera, keypad, display etc. The kernel handles all the things. Linux is really good in networking and 
it is not necessary to interface in peripheral hardware.
The kernel itself does not interact directly with the user, but also interacts with the Shell and other 
programs on the system as well as hardware devices.


At the top of the Linux kernel, there is a set of libraries, including open source web browsers such as 
WebKit, Library libc. These libraries are used to run and record audio and video. SQLite is a database 
that is useful for storing and sharing application data. SSL libraries are responsible for Internet security

Android Runtime:

The Android Runtime is a type of Java virtual machine that provides a major component called the 
DalVik Virtual Machine. It is specially designed and optimized for Android. The process is the virtual 
machine in the Dual VM Android operating system. This is the software that runs the app on the Android 
Dalvik VM Linux uses basic functions such as memory management and multithreading in Java 
language. Dalvik VM allows all Android applications to run its processes. The Dalvik VM  executes 
the files in the .dex format.

Applications and Features:

There are all Android apps in the top level, create an app and install it at this level. Examples of such 
applications are contacts, books, browsers, services, etc. Each application plays a different role in all 


  • Head set layout
  • Storage
  • Connectivity: GSM / EDGE, IDN, CDMA, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, EDGE, 3G, NFC, LTE, GPS.
  • Message: SMS, MMS, C2MM (may be in device messaging), GCM (Google can messaging)
  • Multi Language support
  • Multi touch
  • Video calling
  • Screen capture
  • External storage
  • Streaming media support
  • Optimized graphics

Android Emulator:

The Emulator is a new application in android operating system. Emulator is a new prototype used to 
develop and test Android applications without any physical device.
The Android emulator has all the hardware and software features, such as mobile devices, except for 
phone calls. It provides various navigation and control keys. It also provides a screen to display your 
application. Emulators use Android virtual device configurations.
Once your app is activated, it can use the services of Android platform to help other applications, access 
the network, play audio, play video, store and retrieve data.

Android Apps Usage - Android Application Controlled Remote Robot 


It controls the robotic vehicle using an Android application. The Bluetooth device has been interfaced 
to control the unit on the robot to realize the signal transmitted by the Android application. Remote 
operation is achieved on the basis of touch screen operation with Android OS by any smartphone or 
tablet etc.
The Android application uses the remote device to which orders are sent and on the receiving side these 
commands are used to control robots in all directions, such as forward, backward, left or right.
The receiver and movement is achieved by two motors which are connected to the microcontroller. The 
serial communication data sent from the Android application is obtained by a Bluetooth receiver that is 
interfaced with a micro-controller.


  • Android is a Linux based open source operating system, anyone can develop
  • Easy access to Android applications
  • Battery and mass storage, disk drive, USB options can be exchanged
  • We support all Google products
  • The operating system can notify you of new SMS and e-mail or latest updates.
  • It supports Multitasking
  • Android phone can also function as a router to share internet
  • Its free to customize
  • Can install a modified ROM
  • Its supports 2D and 3D graphics
If you want to learn how to design Android application or increase our technical skills, then join the 
courses and classes of Android training in Chandigarh. In Chandigarh, there are various institutes 
provides the Android classes and courses.


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