Learn PHP - PHP training in Chandigarh

Learn PHP - PHP training in Chandigarh

Learn PHP - PHP training in Chandigarh

Take this step-by-step approach to learn PHP coding

PHP (Personal home page) is a programming language used to improve websites that are built with 
HTML. It is the server side that can add a login screen, CAPTCHA code or survey to your site, redirect 
visitors to other pages or construct a calendar.

The Essentials for Learning PHP

Learning a new programming language can be a bit overwhelming.Many people do not know where to 
start and give up before they start. Learning PHP is not as overwhelming as it may seem. Just take it
one step at a time, and before you know it you will be up and running

Basic Knowledge

You need a basic understanding of HTML before you start learning PHP. If you already have it, fine. 
If not, there are lots of tutorials and HTML  and PHP articles  to help you. Knowing both languages 
allows you to switch between PHP and HTML right in the same document. You can also run PHP 
from HTML file


When you create PHP pages, you can use the same software that you use to create your HTML 
pages. Every regular text editor is sufficient. You also need an FTP client if you transfer the files from 
your computer to your web host. If you already have an HTML website, you are probably already 
using an FTP program.

The Basics

Basic skills that you need to master first include:
  • How to start and end PHP code with <? Php and?>.
  • How to leave comments that are not executed in the code; they only inform programmers who work on your code in the future (or remind you of your thinking).
  • How to use the echo and printing instructions.
  • How to set a variable.
  • How to Use an array.
  • How to Use operands and operators.
  • How to Use nested and conditional statement.
Start with this PHP training in Chandigarh provider post about PHP Basics tutorial to learn about all 
these basic skills.

Learning Loops

After you have mastered the basic skills, it is time to learn about loops. A loop evaluates a claim as true 
or false. If it is true, it executes code and changes the original statement and starts again by 
re-evaluating it. The code continues to run until the instruction becomes false. There are different types 
of loops, including while and for loops. 

PHP Functions

A function performs a specific task. Programmers write functions when they plan to perform the same 
task repeatedly. Save time and space by writing functions once. PHP comes with a set of predefined 
functions, but you can learn to create your own custom functions. From here the sky's the limit. With a 
thorough knowledge of the basics of PHP, it is easy to add PHP functions to your arsenal when you 
need them.
