Difference between Perl versus PHP

Difference between Perl versus PHP

Perl is a dynamic, high-level programming language for general purposes where it does not have an 
official acronym such as Practical Extraction and Reporting Language and some others without standard forms. 
 was first released in the year 1987, which was 30 years ago. The newest stable release version of Perl is 5.28.0. 
The latest preview release version of Perl is 5.29.4 which was released in October 2018. It was developed and
 implemented purely using the programming language C. It has pure dynamic typing discipline. It was designed 
by the author Larry Wall. It supports the platform-independent operating system. It was licensed under the general 
public license from GNU. It has various filename extensions such as .pm, .pl, .pod, .t etc. It has the flexibility and 
powerful functions that can be used in many applications.

PHP is called a hypertext preprocessor, which is a type of server-side scripting language. It was developed and 
designed for web development purposes. It was designed by Rasmus Lerdorf, which first appeared in 1994. 
It is a kind of and can be used as a general-purpose programming. Rasmus Lerdorf is called as PHP's father. 
He was influenced by Hack and Falcon. It was influenced by different programming languages ​​such as Perl, C ++, C, 
Tcl, and Java. It was developed and implemented primarily using the C programming language and some features of 
the C ++ programming language. PHP supports different cross-platform operating systems, such as Windows and UNIX.
Read also: What it takes to be a versatile PHP developer

Key Differences between Perl vs PHP

Difference between Perl vs PHP
Both Perl versus PHP performance are recommended options in the company. Let's look at some of the most important  
differences between Perl and PHP described by PHP training in Chandigarh:
  • Perl is a general-purpose programming language used to perform data manipulations and much other development 
    and management functions, while PHP is used to develop web applications that are also used as a server-side scripting language.
  • Perl offers integration functions with various third-party databases and many other tools, while PHP can be integrated with various 
    databases such as Oracle, MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL etc.
  • Perl supports different features, such as Unicode characters, procedural and object-oriented programming that is extensible 
    and can also be integrated into several other systems, while PHP supports several protocols features such as IMAP, POP3, LDAP, etc.
    and also added support for Java and other distributed architectures
  • Perl has web encryption and transaction management and database integration features, while PHP has several 
    features such as Efficiency, Simplicity, Security, Familiarity, and Flexibility
  • Perl is interpreted in a strict manner where the compiled code will become a bytecode before it is executed, while PHP 
    has different important components to install before using the system, such as a database, a server, and a PHP analyzer.
  • Perl supports several platforms such as Unix, Macintosh, Windows, Symbian, etc.while PHP has different tags and syntax 
    styles and coding standards that must be followed when developing an application.
  • Perl has several characteristics that were influenced and derived from different languages ​​such as C, Lisp, Smalltalk, and 
    Bourne Shell, etc.while PHP has different types of data types to declare in the code, such as Doubles, Integers, Booleans, 
    NULL, Strings, Objects, Arrays, resources, etc.
  • Perl has different types of basic data such as hashes, Arrays, and scalars to declare simple variables, numbers, strings or 
    any reference and any sorted or unordered list, while PHP has different types of data along with constants and variables.
  • Perl has different operators such as Equality Operators, Arithmetic Operators, Assignment Operators, Logical Operators, 
    Bit-to-Bit Operators, Quote Type Operators, Logic Operators, and some other Miscellaneous Operators, while PHP has different 
    operators such as Arithmetic Operators, Conditional Operators (ternary ), Logic Operators (relational), comparison operators and 
    assignment operators.
  • Perl has the Subroutines function to call subprograms or processes while executing a different program while the execution process is running, 
    while PHP has a different browser or client-related HTTP methods or browser features to use in web development.

Perl vs PHP Comparison Table

The basis of 
comparison between 
Perl vs PHP
It is object-oriented, functional, 
Multi-paradigm, reflective, procedural,
 imperative and event-driven programming 
PHP is an Imperative, 
reflective, object-oriented, 
functional and procedural
programming language.
It was licensed under the Artistic License 
GNU General Public License.
It was licensed under Unix-like, 
Windows License PHP License 
(Zend Engine License)
Perl is mostly used as general-purpose 
functioning model applications.
It is mostly integrated with web 
development applications.
Perl cannot be embedded into HTML
It has free server-side scripting 
features that are easier to use 
and can be embedded into HTML.
Will be rendered from Server-side
using servlet technology
Available in major browsers in 
client and server-side 
Maintained by Perl Family of 
different versions
Maintained by PHP Zend engine 
Built-in facilities
It requires more coding and
It requires less configuration and 
Ease of use
It is a bit difficult to use.
It is easier to use and can be 
easily embedded into HTML web 
It is not flexible to be integrated 
with cross-technology applications
It is easier and flexible to be 
integrated with different applications.

Conclusion – Perl vs PHP

Perl is a general-purpose programming language that is used to develop generic applications and PHP is a scripting language 
that can be used to develop web applications. Perl's writing discipline is dynamic and strong, while PHP's writing discipline is 
dynamic and weak. Perl regular expression functions can be used as an extension in PHP. PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor programming 
was at the beginning inspired by the Perl language.

PHP can be used together with different frames to develop web pages and can be integrated with different types of web frames. 
PHP offers different options to develop web pages. Compared to Perl vs. PHP, PHP is preferred over Perl since the options with
 PHP is more compared to the development options for different requirements based on the project and its level of complexity. 
PHP is easier to use, development and implementation begin.


  1. A lot of the comparisons in this article are like comparing two cars where you say, "Car 1 is painted blue, but car 2 has a built-in MP3 player. Car 1 has four wheels, but car 2 can go really fast." You are not really comparing similar aspects of the two languages.

    There's also some completely false statements. For example, the table seems to claim that PHP is implemented in major browsers. As far as I'm aware, PHP is not implemented in any browsers at all. It doesn't need to be; it runs on the server. There are third party ways of getting Perl to run in browsers, but for the most part, if you need a scripting language that will run in the browser, you should be using Javascript.

    I use both Perl and PHP on a daily basis. The main differences for me are that PHP bundles a lot more functionality by default, which Perl relies on modules for, but that's okay because Perl's module system is very well done, allowing modules to be installed and loaded very easily. PHP's built-in object-oriented programming facilities are saner than Perl's built-ins, but Perl's are more extensible, allowing for some pretty awesome OO programming abilities that are hard to find in almost any other programming language. Perl's Unicode support is superior, but PHP's is improving. Most of the other differences are pretty superficial and unimportant.

  2. Get all Technology Updates Learn latest technology, software development skills, b.tech, MCA and BCA computer

    programming training.


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