Tips to optimize server software/hardware performance

Tips to optimize server software/hardware performance

Installing the NGINX web server  instead/ or in parallel with the Apache webserver
This provides a huge increase in performance, which helps reduce the time for the consultation process
more effectively. With the simultaneous use of Nginx and Apache, it is possible to divide the load between two systems.
Tips to optimize server software/hardware performance

Percona server installation

Percona Server is a replacement for standard MySQL. Percona stands out for its improved performance and scalability.
Advanced functionality allows you to collect various statistics, analyze problems and find optimal solutions.
Percona is free; It also allows you to speed up the query process in the database for a short period of time,
to reduce the loading time of the page

FastCGI installation

Configuring this interface on the server side increases the speed of the executable scripts.

APC Installation

After installation, it allows caching executable PHP scripts, which also reduces web server load and
reduces page load time.

Optimization of system logs

There is a history log created on the server after all system manipulations and if anyone makes changes to the system.
This history is collected in logs: FTP logs, MySQL logs, web server logs, SMTP server logs, etc.
In fact, all software installed on the server can build a list of such logs. 
But all of these logs are extremely important, because, in case of a system failure or unauthorized
third-party access, the system administrator will always be able to understand the causes and restore
the system. Logs are constantly reducing server disk space which can lead to unpredictable expenses
on extra free disk space.

The server also creates a special system file (paging file) that is filled during peak hours,
when RAM is not enough for the server to handle all requests. This system file always reserves several
GB of hard disk space and can be increased «on fly». So if logs "eat up" the remnants disk space,
the system file cannot increase and as a result, the site is very slow, and sometimes even freezes.
There is only one way out besides buying a lot of disk space:
  • Set up continued, automatic backup of the current log;
  • The backup process should be scheduled at a low load time (usually at night);
  • Regularly move backup of old logs from the current site server to another location so as not to overload disk space;
  • After that, overwrite the old logos with new ones in the schedule.

Tariff plan change and server upgrade
If you've used all of the methods above and still want to speed up your site's response, you should
update your server hardware:
  • Processor power, RAM increase;
  • Location of web server, server database and file storage on various servers;
  • Master and Slave modes organization on the webserver page. The first mode takes the main load and sends the rest to the second;
  • Use "cloud" storage to speed up page load when loading the heavy content (images, video, audio, etc.) from the nearest server.

All of these options (or combinations) will also have a positive impact on the site's responsiveness and
will enable you to maintain at least tens of thousands of visitors on the same day.

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