Main update of the Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCIE certification - Changes in 2020

Main update of the Cisco CCNA, CCNP, CCIE certification - Changes in 2020.

In this post, you will learn about the main updates that will come to the Cisco Certification Program in February 2020. CCNA training in Chandigarh blogger will explain exactly what the changes are, why Cisco has made them, how they affect you and what you should do if you are currently studying or You are considering starting to get a Cisco certification.

Summary of the Main Changes

  • The changes will take effect on February 24, 2020
  • All tracks and certification levels are affected
  • The main levels of certification remain the same: CCNA, CCNP, and CCIE
  • The different tracks are being eliminated at the CCNA level
  • The tracks are consolidating at CCNP and CCIE level
  • CCENT entry-level certification is being retired
  • The recertification period for all certifications will be 3 years

CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate

Current CCNA Tracks before February 24th:

  • CCNA Routing and Switching
  • CCNA Cloud
  • CCNA Collaboration
  • CCNA Cyber Ops
  • CCNA Data Center
  • CCNA Industrial
  • CCNA Security
  • CCNA Service Provider
  • CCNA Wireless
  • CCDA Design

New CCNA Tracks from February 24th:

  • CCNA
  • Cisco Certified DevNet Associate (new)

The current 10 CCNA tracks will no longer be available starting February 24, 2020. In the past, when Cisco was originally a routing and switching company, they launched the CCNA certification, which was the equivalent of today's CCNA routing and switching. Every time someone mentions 'CCNA' in general, they are talking about CCNA R&S.

Cisco has Collaboration with products such as Cisco CallManager (now Cisco Unified Communications Manager) and expanded to other technical areas such as Security with devices such as the PIX firewall (now ASA). The certification evolved to include new technologies, with the addition of CCNA Security tracks, CCNA Collaboration, etc.which finally culminated in the 10 tracks available now.

Having 10 different CCNA tracks can be confusing for both new network engineers who want to get certified and for employers. Another concern is that multi-track skills are expected from engineers working in real-world Cisco networks, and the current certification program means they have to study all the different tracks of CCNA,  which would require a lot of time and money, or Acquire knowledge about work without a structured study that shows the correct way of doing things.

Cisco is addressing this by consolidating 10 current tracks into a single CCNA certification that incorporates a basic level of knowledge in all of them. Also included are network automation and programmability.

Cisco offers official 5-day classroom courses for each of the current tracks. The course material for the new CCNA exam has not yet been published, but I hope it will also be a 5-day (or maybe 10-day) class. Obviously, it cannot include 10 weeks of training in 1 or 2 weeks, so the most advanced material will be transferred to the CCNP level exams.

Exams required for CCNA

To achieve CCNA routing and switching before February 24, you can EITHER:
Take BOTH the ICND1 100-105 (given by the CCENT) and ICND2 200-105 exams.
Take the individual CCNA 200-125 exam.

To achieve CCNA after February 24:
Take the single  CCNA 200-301 exam.

Cutover Date

The last day to take any of the current exams is February 23, 2020, and the first day to take new exams is February 24, 2020. When Cisco certifications have been updated in the past, there is usually a period Transition for about 3 months where both old and new exams are available. Because this is such an important update, Cisco is making a clean cut on a specific date.

If you achieve certification before February 24, you will automatically receive the new equivalent certification after the cutoff date. You must recertify 3 years after the date you obtained the certification. For example, if you achieve the CCNA with the current exam on January 1, 2020, it will remain a CCNA after the transition date and you will have to recertify (with the latest version of the exam) on January 1, 2023.

Cisco Certified DevNet Associate

The network's programmability and automation capacity is a relatively new technology that is becoming increasingly prevalent, particularly in the environments of service providers and large enterprise environments. Cisco is launching the new Cisco Certified DevNet Associate certification to provide engineers with the knowledge and skills to program network environments. It is aimed at developers who want to learn how to use their networking skills or network engineers who receive cross-training in programming.

What should you do if you have already started studying for CCNA?

The online CCNA course includes a suggested timeline to complete your studies in 6 weeks.
If you are reading this before December 2019, I recommend that you take the current exam (or the ICND1 and ICND2 exams) to get your CCNA before the change. There are 12 weeks from December 1 until the change, so it has a lot of time.
The benefits you get by doing this are:

  • You retain the qualification after the changeover without studying all the new subjects in the new exam.
  • You will have advanced routing and switching skills that you can use at work and while studying to reach CCNP Enterprise.
  • You will immediately be eligible for the new job or promotion you want.
  • You can move on to the next certification and continue ascending on the professional scale NOW.

CCENT Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician

The CCENT certification will be withdrawn from February 24, 2020. The qualification is not well known by employers, and job postings for positions in the network generally require at least CCNA.

If you have already passed the CCENT with the ICND1 100-105 exam, I recommend that you upgrade to the CCNA by taking the ICND2 200-105 exam before the changeover. If you don't, you must take the new 200-301 exam to get your CCNA

CCNP Cisco Certified Network Professional

Current CCNP Tracks before February 24th:

  • CCNP Routing and Switching
  • CCNP Cloud
  • CCNP Collaboration
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Security
  • CCNP Service Provider
  • CCNP Wireless
  • CCDP Design

New CCNP Tracks from February 24th:

  • CCNP Enterprise (covers Wired and Wireless)
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Security
  • CCNP Service Provider
  • CCNP Collaboration
  • Cisco Certified DevNet Professional (new)

Required Exams for CCNP:

Before February 24, you must pass 3 or 4 exams (depending on the track) to get each CCNP.
As of February 24, you must pass 2 exams for each track:
  • A core technology exam: covers foundational  and common concepts
  • A concentration test: a deeper immersion in technology
Under current rules, you must generally have at least CCENT to obtain a CCNP certification. After the changeover, there are no prerequisite exams.

CCNP Transition:

If you pass the CCNP exams before February 24, you will receive a badge for the corresponding new exams and credit for the new CCNP certification.
As with CCNA, if you achieve certification before February 24, you will automatically receive the new equivalent certification after the cutoff date. You must recertify 3 years after the date you obtained the certification.

CCIE Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert

Current CCIE Tracks before February 24th:

  • CCNP Routing and Switching
  • CCNP Collaboration
  • CCNP Data Center
  • CCNP Security
  • CCNP Service Provider
  • CCNP Wireless
  • CCDP Design
(No Cloud track unlike the CCNP)

New CCIE Tracks from February 24th:

  • CCNP Enterprise Infrastructure (focuses on wired networks)
  • CCNP Enterprise Wireless
  • CCIE Data Center
  • CCIE Security
  • CCIE Service Provider
  • CCIE Collaboration
The Cisco Certified Devnet Expert is planned, but the date on which it will be available has not yet been released.

Required Exams for CCIE:

Before February 24, you must take a written exam and a lab test for each track.
As of February 24, you must pass 2 exams for each track:
  • A core technology exam, just like for CCNP
  • A lab exam with 2 modules:
  • Design (3 hours)
  • Implement, operate and optimize (5 hours)
Automation and network programmability are being added to the new exams.
As before, there are no prerequisite exams you must take before CCIE. After the changeover, you must recertify every 3 years, unlike the current rule that is every 2 years.

CCIE Emeritus

Currently, you can apply for CCIE Emeritus status after having an active CCIE certification for 10 years. With Emeritus status, you do not need to take a recertification exam, you just need to submit a brief report confirming that you are still involved with Cisco technologies and pay an annual fee that works at the same price as recertification when taking the CCIE written exam every two years. You don't have all the benefits of an active CCIE when you have Emeritus status, but it saves you from having to recertify every two years, and after being a CCIE for 10 years, there is a good chance that you no longer love taking exams.
After the change, you can request CCIE Emeritus for life for free ... after being an active CCIE or CCIE Emeritus for 20 years

Specialist Certifications

Specialist certifications will continue in a similar way to how they are now after the cutover. You will receive a Specialist certification for passing individual exams at the CCNP level or exams outside the main certification programs.

Changes in Cisco Certifications 2020 | Changes in Cisco Certifications 2020 | #Cisco_MAJOR_Update_2020 | CCNA/CCNP/CCIE Certification 2020


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